Dare to Feel : Sofa
The low seat sofa was designed as a comfortable space which allows to spend time together or to be only with your own emotions by splitting it into two armchairs.
Each armchair: Height: 90 cm Seating height: 20 cm
Width: 180 cm
Depth: 120 cm
Table: Height: 30 cm Diameter: 30 cm
Color options:


Table with mirror
The wooden cylinder, which fits perfectly in the middle of two armchairs, can be used as a small table.
But what is more, when two people seat opposite to each other, they can see the reflection of the other person’s facial expression in the mirror which is a top layer of this piece. Just imagine, starting to get to know somebody, we are not always that confident to look into each other’s eyes…
The upholstery material used for this object is velvet to allow the emotional and tactile experience.
The legs of the sofa and the table are made from high-quality walnut wood which adds a warm touch to the objects.

For information about the product such as: customization, prices or to order the product, contact us by e-mail: info@daredesign-studio.com